Use "mouflon|mouflons" in a sentence

1. The mouflon is featured on the historical flag of the Armenian kingdom of Syunik, as well as on the tombstones.

2. The mouflon is featured both on the symbol and as the nickname of the Cyprus national rugby union team.

3. If cloning of the mouflon can proceed successfully, it has the potential to reduce strain on the number of living specimens.

4. The Cloned banteng, coyote, wolf, white-tailed deer, mouflon, bighorn sheep, African wildcat, Northern leopard frog, Japanese pond frog, and Spanish ribbed newt have survived to adulthood

5. Even, noble attempts to save endangered species from extinction by nuclear transfer have been tried, and in some cases resulted in live animals (wild cats, gaur and mouflon sheep).

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7. Lack of water in combination with lack of forage inside the forest is driving the mouflon outside the forest and bringing them into contact with domestic sheep and goats, which might be infected with scrapie and pulmonary adenomatosis.